Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why do you still believe?

     As adults, we often laugh at children that believe in the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and the Boogeyman. We think it is so cute that they would fall for such myths. But looking around today, I think its us adults that are the naive ones. Most people actually think there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats.
    I feel that deep down inside you know the left vs right thing is silly. However, to admit that you have been fooled by the political machine is more than most can bare. Do you really think that Obama and Romney are all that different? Do you really thing President Obama is going to get the evil bankers that are some of his largest donors? Is Romney really going to get tough with China? Did you believe Richard Nixon when he said he wasn't a crook? When Clinton said he didn't have sexual relations with that women? So why are you going to go to the polls feeling like one of these guys is better than the other? Its been nearly 50 years since Johnson declared "War on Poverty" but you still hold to the dream that we can legislate away the problem. The congressional approval ratings are at a all time low but you still will vote for the same two parties you always have. I am begging you to get out of the rut and change your paradigm. Tell the two parties you are done with them and their games. You can't change things with the same mentality that got you there in the first place. If you want to stick to "the man" then I ask for you to write me in on Nov. 6th.

Platt Robertson
Write-in candidate for President

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Abortion and the Middle east

     I would like to thank AmieTank for this blog. She put a comment up the other day on the blog and reminded me that I had not put my views on abortion and the Middle East. I know these are hot button issues and I apologize for not getting to them earlier.
     First, lets start with the ultimate political hot potato: Abortion. If you want to get people fired up in America, just start talking about abortion. Typically, we look at this from only two points of view. Either your Pro-choice, which mean your for a woman's right to choice what happens to her body. You mostly likely feel that a man in no way should have a say on the decision and to disagree in any way means you hate women. The other side is of course Pro-life. This side claims that life is sacred and some on this side of the issue believe that under no circumstances shall a child ever need to be aborted. They feel that if you disagree with them that your a murderer. There is usually no grey area on this topic and a lot of anger is directed at people on the other side of the abortion issue. However, just like so many things that face us today, we are looking at this all wrong. The reality is we don't have an abortion problem, we have an unwanted pregnancy issue. Think about it, if we had no unwanted pregnancies then we wouldn't even care about abortions. If we take our stereotypical example, a teenage girl is knocked up by her teenage boyfriend, we can see the real problem. The Pro-choice person will say that the young lady has the right to do with her body as she likes because she is a strong, in dependant woman. The Pro-life proponent will say that its not the baby's fault and that its life deserves as much respect as the mother's right to choose. Sadly, we lost as a society when that young lady became pregnant. First off, we probably failed those kids as parents and role models. Second, if these two weren't ready for sex, do you think they're ready for a kid? Even is she has the abortion, you can't say either party came out better for it. If you care about kids, you'll probably want to help our youth avoid a situation like this. Of course, the Pro-choice group likes to throw out rape and incest as reasons we have to keep abortion around. Call me crazy, but I am for stopping rape and incest. Again, the idea that we will worry about this only after an unwanted pregnancy has occurred is nuts. There is no government program that is going to fix this. Its us a citizens that have to get involved. Fathers, spend times with your sons and talk to them about sex. This isn't just about women. Finally the issue of government money for abortions, which I am against. If this is about a woman's right to choose, then its her right not someone elses tax bill. For those of you that worry about that young girl that can't afford to get an abortion, there are many organization that you can donate to that help these young ladies out.
     The other topic of this blog entry is the Middle East. This is a much simpler topic. The only reason we care about the Middle East is because they have oil. If there was no oil there it would be like Bolivia and when is the last time we sent troops to Bolivia? There is also the Petro-dollar but that is more of a Federal Reserve issue. If we were more like Brazil, we wouldn't have kids dying overseas all the time. Brazil has developed their own oil resources, build a relationship with their oil rich neighbor Venezuela, and created a vibrant ethanol industry. We need to build the pipeline to Canada, utilize oil fields offshore and in Alaska, and use other agricultural products besides corn to produce ethanol. One more thing, the electric car. I don't want to here from GM that the technology is 10 years away. They said that 20 years ago. Maybe if we would have let them go broke, we could have had someone come up with a viable electric car. As far as I'm concerned, as President I would bring the boys home and prepare to compete in an open and free oil market. The other half of this issue is Israel. Some of you might not like to hear this but the US signed up for this along with the rest of the UN. We plus most of the western world, felt bad for the Jews after WWII and wanted to give them their own homeland. Everybody living there today are living under the idea that we are going to stick to our word. I am however, not for sending troops over there or starting a war with Iran. Israel is a big boy and can take care of its own self. We'll stand up for them at the UN and sell them some arms but won't send our troops. These folks have been fighting for years and I think we're kind of naive to think we can send Hillary over there for a weekend and hammer this all out.

Platt Robertson
Write-in candidate for President

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Energy Policy

     Thankfully the silly season is almost over. Soon you can quit hearing about debates and go back to watching Honey Boo Boo. Until then, we need to stay focused on the issues that affect us. Today I would like to express my views on energy policy. Note that I said energy policy and not oil policy. I feel that for far too long we have focused and oil and only oil in this country. Obama says we should do a little bit of everything in order to solve our energy issues. I agree with the base premise of that idea. However, I feel the choices should be shifted to the local and personal level and take out of big governments hands. You have heard me discuss personal Independence and and self-reliance. Energy independence is another part of the concept. The following are simple little things I have seen that not only prepare you for anything that might happen but also frees you from the big energy companies.

This little thing is called the Pocket Socket. Its good for charging cell phones and iPads. I am sure many of you have teenagers that have all kind of electronic gadgets. Any little bit of electricity saved adds up and this is perfect in an emergency.

As a homebrewer, one of the first things I would do would be to legalize home distilling. This would also allow you to produce your own ethanol. I know a lot of you have heard that ethanol from corn is bad for food prices. That is true but you can distill from all kind of things. Here is a link to a site that can give you all the details you need.

Free electricity and a workout. Talk about a win-win situation.

This is a smarter way to use nuclear energy.

Under my administration I would curb the power of HOA's and allow folks to put wind turbines in their yards if they like.

     These are just some of the things I have seen to allow for greater energy Independence. There are many more energy production methods out there. Spend some time and see what works for you. If you haven't noticed, these are also green energy sources. We don't need a Dept of energy or EPA is we take power production in our own hands.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate President

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Our country's greatest resource

     We have made it through the debates and now are headed down the stretch. The major party candidates have given us their agendas and what they see for this country. They talked about the economy, social security, and foreign policy. However, neither one has talked about our nation's greatest resource - infinite potential.
     I feel that our biggest asset is that with the little bit of freedom we have left, we allow humans to maximize their potential better than anyone else in the world. Its was America that build the Empire State Building and flew to the moon. We have heard countless rags to riches stories and that is why people from all over the world come here. But I'm afraid times might be changing.
     People today seem more concerned about what they deserve from the government and not planning on achieving their goals. We blame poor schools and greedy CEO's for our failures and never look in the mirror. The politicians have convinced many that the path to being slightly less unhappy is through them. Humans weren't meant to just be average. God didn't create us just to grind out a living. What the people in power don't want you to know is that you don't need them. Your are powerful beyond measure. Society tells you that you can only become educated by working your way through "the system." and that formal education is the way. The reality is that the greatest achievers were all self educated. If we as a people strove to reach our maximum potential, things like tax policy and social security would have no effect on us. This issue is like most of the things facing this country. The solution is part government and part society. We need to bring down barriers to people starting businesses and movements. You as an individual have to help create a culture that encourages personal development. The greatest thing you can do for your country is to reach your infinite potential.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10 Concepts

These are 10 concepts I would like you to understand from my point of view. I feel they will cover what we need to do outside of government to fix our country. These will also let you see what my mindset is when coming up with my agenda.

1.      Freewill - The American Dream to me has nothing to do with a big house and a white picket fence. I look at it more as the "Dream that was America." I see it through the immigrants eyes. The idea that you could come to this land and do whatever it is you wanted to do with your life. In most countries you were stuck with the same lot in life as your parents. If you father was a blacksmith, then that's what you became. The government told you were to go to school and what doctor to see. We live in a country were kids grow up to become professional skateboarders. You can actually turn your passion into a career in the United States. Like Rock music, listen to it 24 hours a day. Hip Hop, same thing. Want to roll around in jello? Go Crazy!! Freewill is a beautiful thing.

2.      People lose - People don't like to hear it but there are losers in life. Not every kid in school is meant to go to college. There are businesses that fail no matter how hard they try. However, the most successful people in our society have also lost before. Its is through those losses that lessons were learned and skills developed. Lets take sports as an example. Lebron James wouldn't have become the player he has if he would have won the NBA title his first year. The guy stayed determined and focused and used the losses to fuel him. Losing stinks but its a valuable educator.

3.      Big business is killing capitalism - I hear a lot of people blaming the problems of the country on greedy businessmen. Capitalism is robbing from the poor and keeping our kids from getting an education. Its not capitalism, its big business that's the issue. Capitalism doesn't hire lobbyist or donate to campaigns. GE, Goldman Sachs, and Walmart do that. Don't compare you neighborhood baker to Bank of America. Lets use GE as an example. They were a large donor to the Obama 2008 campaign. They owned MSNBC at the time and their CEO is on the president's job board. In 2010 they paid $0 in federal taxes on $5 billion in domestic profits. I bet the restaurant down the block paid a little bit more that year.
4.      Socialism did lose - If your around my age you remember The Wall coming down in East Berlin and the end of communism in Eastern Europe. The USSR had lost the Cold War and the fantasy that was Communism/Socialism had been shattered. Today, we see Red China becoming a model for capitalism. Ask anyone from any of the old Soviet republics has bad it was for the 99% in their country. Their 99% didn't have cable TV or Playstations. So tell me why is it that every few years in this country we keep having this battle over Socialism vs Capitalism. Who are these people that keep trying to sell central planning to us? Do we really believe that a large centralized government make the right decision on how we use our economic resources?

5.      Debt and Death - I first heard of this concept on a YouTube channel - The Greatest Truth Never Told. Basically, its that we keep getting into wars that cost us a lot of money and thus we keep running up the national debt. Personally, we keep buying new toys for which we rack up debt and thus have to work ourselves to death just to try to pay off. It seems the more debt we ring up the more death we bring upon us. With all this debt, we have to keep the economy going. We end up going to war over resources like oil. We need to stop the debt madness both personally and nationally.

6.      More Tony Robbins less Tim Robbins - I just love Hollywood actors like Tim Robbins who have hot political opinions. They tell us the evils of big companies and the %1 all the while making $10 million a movie. The Hollywood elite tells us about caring about the working man but still attend campaign dinners and join the CFR. I think we should spend a little less time watching Snookie, American Idol, and Tim Robbin's movies and spend a little more time reading books by people like Tony Robbins. Learning to work on your diet or improve your finances is going to help things more than dumping $10 at the local theater so another Hollywood starlet can tell me how to live my life.

7.      Give to Live - I'm a big Sammy Hager fan and he had a song called Give to Live. That title right there sums up a lot for me. We all say that we care for the old and homeless but do we really? What most people mean is that we like the idea that the government is saying they will take care of that. Americans like the thought that government will tax the bad guys (big business, corporations, etc.) and give to the needy (the poor, sick, etc.) They will do this while not disturbing you from watching football or Twitting. That's not going to work kids. If you haven't noticed, government hasn't really fixed much. If you care about the homeless or poor, I suggest you pull a shift at a soup kitchen or Habitat for Humanity site. If not, then please shut up and quit forcing your beliefs on someone else.

8.      Local vs national - I love the idea of "buying American." Keeping you dollars in this country instead of sending them overseas is great. However, I would like to encourage you to take it to another level. "Buy local" is my motto. Many of the big American companies like GE, Walmart, and GM have huge foreign components to them. Also they are the ones that have lobbyist and donate to PACs. The mom and pop shops in your town don't have these things. Instead of going to one of the big restaurant chains tonight try out that little Italian joint down the street. A prime example of this is beer. The 3 big American breweries (Bud, Miller, and Coors) are now owned by foreign corporations. Try a Shiner or Sierra Nevada instead. It will be local merchants that will get the economy back on its feet.

9.      Our media sucks - Why is it that we trust our news media so much? They are ran by the same people that gave us "Desperate Housewives" and "Jersey Shore." Am I suppose to believe that all these bimbos reading the news actually know what they are talking about? Networks like CNN, MSNBC, and FOX hire all the professional pundits and ex-politicians and then tells us they are objective. Really??? How much time do these same networks spend on things like the OJ trial and Lindsey Lohan? Too damn much! Check out a broadcast from the BBC. Its full of news, amazing!!! I beg you to turn off the mainstream media and check out alternative news sites and read newspaper where you can self edited the fluff.

10.  You are the change you wanted - Last but not least, you have to quit waiting on the government to change and fix everything. Its not going to happen. Ben Bernanke is not going to fix the economy so get to fixing your own economic situation. Go buy a Dave Ramsey book and get to paying off those credit cards. Don't worry about Obamacare. Eat an apple and start walking. Like I said earlier, there is a soup kitchen near you that need another hand. We have to stop believing someone else will care about what we care about as much as we care about it. As the old saying goes, "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." That step is you.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Your not wasting your vote.


    The biggest thing I face in this election is the idea that if you vote for me your wasting your vote.
Most people say, "your not going to win so why waste my vote on you." I here others say, " this election is going to be close, my vote might make the difference. However, I feel those folks are looking at this the wrong way.
     Reality is that in most of the states, Obama or Romney have solid leads. If you vote for Romney in a liberal state like California, your actually wasting a vote because he isn't going to win that state. The opposite is also true. In states like this, a vote for a 3rd party or Write-in candidate will stick out more than one for the Big 2 candidates.  In the swing states, the non-Big 2 votes stand out even more. Remember the 2000 election? Remember that Ralph Nader received votes larger than the difference between Gore and Bush. Those votes ended up exposing the Nader agenda and more importantly got people talking about why someone wouldn't vote for the Big 2. Another point I would like to make is, if you vote for Obama or Romney, how would you know your vote got counted? If you voted for a Write-in like me, it would be easy to see that vote in action. You would also be flipping the bird to all the pollsters, pundits, and politicians by writing me in. I haven't taken lobbyist money, PAC contributions, or aired any attack adds. I would like to think that after reading some of my ideas you might actually agree with my platform. And last but not least, Its your vote and you can do with it whatever you like. Its only wasted if you don't use it.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Friday, October 12, 2012

TheTruth about Jobs


    I have been hearing a lot from the two major presidential candidate about how they are going to create new jobs. They have these wonderful plans that, if elected, will bring new jobs to the millions that are out of work. The reality is these guys don't create jobs. Its business that actually hires a vast majority of American and its going to be business that will hire the workers in the future. This is also why we have unemployment like we do. I know there are a lot of issues facing businesses these days that effect hiring. Obamacare being on top of that list. However, you can wait forever before you get those perfect conditions to start bringing in new employees.
     Here is what I mean, the CEO of a big company like GE wakes up in the morning and watches CNBC. He hears about the bad jobs numbers and thinks to himself, "why won't Walmart hire more employees so they can buy a GE washing machine." In a high rise not far away, the CEO of Walmart say, "man I would love to hire some people but until Ford opens up a few more plants to bring more people into the factory towns, I'll have to wait." Of course, the President of Ford is setting in his office wandering, "how can I sell any cars if companies like GE won't hire anybody." I feel that most companies feel they are outside of the economy and that they have to wait on it to get going first. What the don't realize is they have the power to get this thing going. Back in the early 1900's, Ford Motor company hire thousands of workers at above average wages to work in their factories. Most businessmen at the time thought this was crazy. Henry Ford realized that by paying the higher wages he was actually creating his own customer base. Ford went on to become the largest car company of the time. Watch the business news these days and you will see that the major corporations in the US are still making their numbers despite the economy. If they would just invest in the workers of America, we could bounce back but not if they set on the sidelines. Just like I have said to you the voter to not wait on Washington to fix anything, I say the same to business. Create you own economy and start hiring.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Monday, October 8, 2012

No more Big Bird????

     I see that people actually watched the debate last week. Unfortunately, they where not paying attention to well. Not too many people noticed that the two candidates agreed with each other on a lot of topics. They were focused on Mitt Romney saying he would cut funding for PBS. Romney wants to "kill Big Bird!!!!!" What a national nightmare, forget the millions out of work or the wars we are in, we need to save a guy in a bird suit. We are $16 trillion in debt but Elmo's got to get paid. The people of America are so worked up about this that they are........ complaining about this on Facebook and Twitter but not calling their PBS station to donate money. This is a prime example of a problem we have in America, we want our causes but we want someone else to pay for it.
     Our politicians for years have told us that they believed in what ever cause we cared for and that they will take care of it. The reality is they get somebody else to pay for it or run up the federal credit card. Just take care of the problem as long as you don't ask us to sacrifice. I don't know anybody that doesn't say they care for the homeless but are any of them at a Habitat for Humanity site a 7am hauling lumber. I bet a lot of you PBS fans are anti-war people. How do you like your tax dollars going for drones and bombs? If your a Vegan would you like to know your taxes went to promote the beef industry? Then why is it OK for you to force the government to use the resources they taxed from me just so your kids will be entertained? This is also a reason why we need to get somethings out of the government hands. If the "Public" actually fully funded PBS, then you wouldn't have to worry about who got elected. You say you care, then click the link below and donate.


Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Be Nice

     If your my age, you probably remember the classic movie "Road House." Patrick Swayze plays a bouncer that comes to clean up a bar and a town. There is a scene where he is introducing himself to the staff and he tells them to always "be nice." You can throw a guy out but "be nice." What a beautifully simple concept. Even dealing with drunks, trust me as a bartender I know drunks, you should still "be nice." Maybe we can take this idea to the next level.
     I was walking into the casino the other day and I opened the door for an old lady. She seemed shocked that I opened the door for her and gave me a smile. Maybe I'm just getting old but when I grew up you were suppose to open doors for ladies. Such a little act of kindness seems so odd these days though. Why is that?  A guest is rude to a cocktail waitress, she yells at the bartender and he is a jerk to his barback. This just becomes a chain of nastiness that leads to someone kicking their dog or something. Lets break the chain and "be nice." All the governmental policy in the world can't do what being pleasant to someone can. You can be a Democrat, Republican, Christian, Jew, Atheist, or whatever but "be nice."

Platt Robertson
Write-in candidate for President

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Change it up

Four years ago Barack Obama promised us change. While he just brought us politics as usual, we do however need change. We need to change up how we do business. I have been talking to you about changing your voting patterns. The same two parties have been in power for decades and have given us pretty much that same results. There is another group that have been in power over the past decades that have helped the same two party system stay in place. Our main-stream media is owned by just a few major media companies that have direct ties to the power brokers in DC. Below is a list of the major media companies and what they own just to give you a picture of what is going on.

Disney: ABC, ESPN, Touchtone Films, A&E etc.

News Corp: Fox, Fox News, 20th Century Fox, Wall St Journal, etc.

Time Warner: CNN, TBS, HBO, DC Comics, etc.

NBCUniversal: NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, Bravo, etc

These companies hire many ex-politicos to host their shows and most of their big wigs are in groups like the Council of Foreign Relations. They inter-breed with the Beltways Insiders while telling us they are our "watchdogs."

I want to encourage you to check out some alternative media. We need to start hearing a difference voice if we are to seriously debate the issues that effect us today. Your not going to hear a lot from the mainstream media about things like the NDAA, the Fed, Fractional Reserve Banking, and the truth about our ongoing wars. Here is a list of some sites that bring a different perspective on the news.

www.infowars.com - Lots of conspiracy theories but brings to light a lot of topics

www.usawatchdog.com - great commentary on the economy

www.drudgereport.com - the biggest alternative news site

www.shtfplan.com - not just a prepper site

www.zerohedge.com - another good site on the economy

I ask you to push yourself and learn more about the issues through different sources. I also ask you to change you thought process on voting and break away from the two parties and write-in Platt Robertson on Nov. 6th

Platt Robertson

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Other Half of the Solution


    Every four years we have politicians tell us that if we just vote for them that they will take care of the rest. All we have to do is show up to the polls and vote for their side and our troubles will be gone. Its seems silly when you say it like that but somehow we turn to the government whenever there is a problem. Did we really believe that Obama was going to "change" America? Did you expect there to be no more wars, no unemployment, and your kids would eat their vegetables? The scary part about this mentality is that your basically saying you have no control of the major issues effecting your life.
     In all reality, the politicians want you to keep thinking this way. They love the idea that you would, "hand over the keys" to you live over to them. The scariest thing for politicians is the idea that America will wake up one day and realize we don't need them. If you stood up and said I am in charge of my destiny, their power would dwindle to nothing. That is the dirty little secret that no one is talking about.
     Obama can give you all the health care you want but if you eat donuts and don't exercise you'll still be sick. Ben Bernanke can execute perfect Fed policy but if you run up credit bills, your still broke. Government/Politicians are only the part of the solution. I encourage you to take control of your lives and ween yourself off the idea that Washington DC is going to solve your problems.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Platform Summary

The Robertson/Falls 2012 Platform comes in two parts. The first is what government should do to make America a better country. What society itself needs to do is the other half of the platform. Below is the list of 10 laws I would pass under my administration.

1. Flat Tax - Simple and effective, will free people from the weight of the IRS

2. Glass-Steagall Act - Bring back the Glass-Steagall Act and shutdown the Wall St Casino.

3. Term Limits - 2 terms in the House and 2 terms in the Senate

4. Death Tax - Eliminate the Death Tax, the IRS shouldn't get you one last time.

5. NDAA - overturn provisions that destroy our rights

6. Net Neutrality - will keep the Internet free and equal for everyone.

7. Derivatives Act - Corralling these weapons of economic mass destruction.

8. Federal Student Loan Act - We have to quit crushing these kids with debt.

9. Audit the Fed - We have to pull the curtain back on our "national" bank.

10. Repeal Obamacare - We can do better than this piece of crap.

In future posts, I will go into what we need to do along with our neighbors to make things better for us.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Repealing Obamacare


     I see Obama is commenting on the NFL referee strike. Since the economy is doing so well, I guess he has time for other things to worry about. The Robertson/Falls 2012 Campaign however is still focused on the real issues. The final law of the first ten I would pass under my administration is.... Repealing Obamacare.
     I know this has stirred up a lot of people but lets take a step back and think this thing out. The bill is well over 1000 pages. Most in congress didn't read the bill before they voted on it. Do you remember Nancy Pelosi telling us they needed to pass the bill so they could see what was in it? Is this really a way to solve a problem? And doesn't it prove that we don't need this kind of mentality running our health care? Also, what was the issue in the first place? Roughly 15% of the population didn't have health insurance. So to help them, we have now changed everybody's health insurance. Obama sold this thing as health care for everybody but what it really does is makes everyone have insurance whether they want it or not. Think about it, guaranteed customers for the health insurance industry. A lot of people said this was needed to help the poor but if you're poor you already had Medicaid. Another issue with Obamacare is its filled with crap people just don't know about. There is a 10% tax on indoor tanning facilities. Tanning facilities??? The best one is that a bill that is suppose to cut health cost has a tax on medical instrument makers. Does that make sense.
     Just like in the student loan example, you have to get government money out of the system to cut cost. Think about Boob Jobs, 20 years ago they were expensive and still somewhat dangerous. They have become cheaper and safer while not having federal money fund the procedures. They are an example of market forces creating a cheaper and better product for the consumer. We should also allow market forces in the health insurance industry. Eliminate state monopolies and allow for interstate competition. I also feel we need to eliminate the need for referrals. You don't have to go back to the car dealer to get a referral to go get your oil changed do you? Why do you need a general practitioner to tell you your back hurts and you should go to a chiropractor? I feel we should repeal Obamacare and actually write a real health care bill and talk about it ahead of time. Check out the links below.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President




Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Audit the Fed


     So Madonna is giving our "black Muslim" president an endorsement?? Seems like politics as usual. I will keep it unusual and actually keep talking policy. My next agenda point is to Audit the Fed.
     I have a feeling that most of you might have heard about this but still don't know much about the Federal Reserve. The Fed only creates and controls you money, so you might want to spend sometime looking into to it. Here are a few quick facts about the Federal Reserve.

$ Its a private entity - its about as Federal as Federal Express

$ Its was created in 1913 - the same time as the Income Tax

$ The dollar has lost 96% of its value since it was created

$ The stockholders of the Federal Reserve are kept private

$ The Fed has a monopoly on the issuance of money in the US

I think its funny that we need to see 47 years of Romney's taxes but couldn't care less to audit the "national" bank of the United States. The Robertson/Falls 2012 campaign feels its time to bring to light the workings of The Fed. For more info check out the links below.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President





Student Loan Crisis

     The silly season has begun. With Obama going on The View and Romney back peddling from his statements about the 47% of Americans, you know not much real debate will go on about whats happening to our country. We here at the Robertson/Falls 2012 campaign will continue to talk about the real issues.
     The next part of our platform covers the next great bubble: The Student Loan debt bubble. Do you know Americans now owe more in student loan debt than credit card debt. As a country we have 37% more student loan debt than car debt. The sad part of this is all of this is sanctioned by the federal government and cannot be wiped away by bankruptcy. They can tap into tax refunds and social security payments to get their money. We as tax payers are basically guaranteeing profits for the banks that make these loans. The feds back more than 85% of the student loans. Tragically, 56% of graduates with loan debt can't find a job a year after college. I am sure the banksters on Wall St. like though.
     Under my administration we would no longer federally guarantee student loans and the loans taken out now will be classified the same as credit cards or other debt. I know your probably saying, "whoa!! don't you want kids to get a college education?" What the system is giving us now is more like certification and not education. And if its certification we're getting, then we can do it a lot better than this. If the massive amount of government backed money is drained out of the system, I bet you'll find cost will go down quite a bit. The development of more vocational schools would be nice. This idea that every kid should go to college is a little far fetched. There are thousands of student that go to college for a couple of years and rack up lots of debt with nothing to show for it is crazy. That student could go to a Vo-Tech for a year or so and pick up a usable skill and at a cost that wouldn't cause them to go into debt. At the end of the day, self education is better than formal education. Check out the videos

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Monday, September 24, 2012

Financial Derivatives

     While Obama and Romney are both on 60 Minutes reminding us why most people hate elections, I'll be talking about how to actually fix things in this country. My next platform point is about regulating financial derivatives, something that has yet to happen.
     You might remember the crisis of 2008 was in part caused by the mortgage industry. This was made worse by derivative instruments like CDO's and MBS' that magnified the defaulted loans. The worst part is that derivatives are not regulated and usually are even hidden from the stock holders of the banks that issue them. Most Americans probably don't realize just how large the financial derivative market is. Its estimated to be well over $1 Quadrillion. The amount of derivatives held by US banks is estimated to be over 15 times the GDP of the United States.
     I would force the bank to list on each of their quarterly 10Q reports their derivatives exposure and to whom they are exposed to. Credit default swaps would be limited to prevent multiple winners in a loan default situation. We would also have the banks put in a "force majeure" clause in the contracts. That way if all hell breaks loose, we can stop all the dominoes from falling. Below are some videos that go into the subject more and I would also advise you to do your own research on this complicated topic.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Net Neutrality

     Unlike my competition, who are worried about seeing the others tax returns. I will stick to the topics that are important to America. The next point on my agenda is Net Neutrality. The Internet has been one of the greatest breakthroughs in our lifetime. The flow of information has brought new ideas and interactivity like we have never seen. That is why it is important not to let the big communication companies tweak the system in anyway.
     So what is Net Neutrality? Think of a major highway in your town. The speed limit on that highway is the same if your driving a BMW or a 1973 Pinto. That highway is for everyone to share equally. Some major corporations are wanting to create basically a "high rollers" lane of traffic. This is not someone paying for higher speed Internet at their house. That is you making a personal decision. What big communication companies are wanting to do is tell small web sites that they can't have the same access as the "high rollers" do.
     Why is this important? With all major TV, radio, and newspapers outlets bought up by major media companies, the Internet is the only way to allow independent voices to be heard. Think of all of the blogs and alternative news sites out there giving us great content. Our Founding Fathers didn't give us free speech so we can watch The View or Dr. OZ. It was to express our views freely and interact with others on a higher plain of thought.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

The National Defense Authorization Act

The next of the laws we would pass under my administration would be to repeal previsions of the NDAA 2012. Basically, it allows the indefinite detention of US citizens by military police. Between this and the Patriot Act the government has gone too far in its efforts to "protect" us. Since 9/11 we have been sold that the boogie man will get us unless we allow the Federal Government more access into our lives. Besides the NDAA and Patriot Act, there have been numerous presidential directives and federal agencies formed that very few of us know about. NSA, FBI, and CIA have been given access to all kinds of information from the likes of AT&T, Verizon, and Google.
     I know most of you think that this will only be directed at the terrorist but what happens when they change the definition of a terrorist? Recently, the Missouri FBI office was told that Tea Party members and Ron Paul supporters should be watched. Ron Paul supporters??? Really?? Remember the old Hall and Oates song, "Private Eyes" well they are watching you. Check out the links below for more info on the NDAA.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Saturday, September 15, 2012

So Government is the answer????

     I recently had to go renew my health card for work. You have to have all kinds of cards to work in the casinos here in Vegas, health cards, liquor cards, sheriff's cards, etc. That is for a different rant. What got me was when I went to the health department location. Besides health cards, they perform other services like flu shots for the kids. It was a sea of humanity in there. First, I had to do something online then print out a form to take to the health office. Once I was there I had to wait an hour to go thru a series of three different lines that would eventually give me my health card so I can work to pay taxes to keep the whole process working.
    The employees were rude and not motivated at all. You can tell there was very little organization of the process and less motivation to make it more streamline. The reality was I had no other choose but to set there and take it. They have a monopoly on health cards.
     So why is it that the folks that bring us the health department, the IRS, and the DMV are the ones we turn to when we want our problems fixed. I mean do we really think the process that gave us that grumpy lady at the DMV counter is going to properly educate our kids? Polls tell us that most Americans don't like the IRS and don't trust our politicians. So why is it we keep waiting on them to save us from our own problems. I hate to say it but they aren't going to stop the wars, fix the economy, or clean up your cities. If you don't believe just head down to the health department and see.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Reflection of a post 9/11 world

     Wow, has it been 11 years already? I can still remember that day. I was glued to my TV, trying to figure out what was happening to the world around me. The moment filled me with fear and anger then finally a deep sadness. I knew the world had changed but looking back now, I didn't know that it would change the way it did.
     My grandparents generation had a similar day to deal with, Pearl Harbor Day. That generation faced their nightmare with great sacrifice and determination. They had already gone through the Great Depression but were ready for the challenge that laid ahead. Within four years, America had not only defeated Japan but had also saved Europe from Hitler. By 1952, 11 years after Pearl Harbor, the United States might have been in another war but was also living in the Golden Years of the 50's. We were the great economic super power in the world and things were only getting better.
     So what happened to us?? After 9/11, I do remember people coming together. You remember congress sing "God Bless America"? I still get chills thinking about it. The local grocery stores where I lived sent supplies to the rescue workers in New York. We were actually united as a nation. My roommate at the time did ask, "how long is this going to last?" The answer was not long enough. The neo-cons that were running the White House at the time decided to take the ball and run with it. With the country supporting the president, the republicans starting pushing their agenda down our necks. The money junkies on Wall St thought this would be a good reason to start a real estate bubble since we needed to save the economy after this tragedy. Liberals could only hold the tongues so long but in the end had to maintain their war with conservatives. Both parties had no problem creating more government bureaucracy to invade our lives while keeping us "safe." They both voted for the Patriot Act and gave more power to agencies like the NSA and CIA.
     Here we are today in worse shape than ever. We are still in the Middle East with troops dying nearly everyday. We have lost more Americans avenging 9/11 than those who died that day.The politics of America is more bitter than ever and we can't even be polite to each other. The TSA gropes young kids and tells us its for our safety. Our economy has been shipped to China and we are 16 trillion in debt. What maybe the tragedy of 9/11 is not that day but how we have lived our lives since that day. God Bless America...... because we need it.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Death Tax

     While the other presidential candidates are at the Conventions or Hollywood fundraisers, I am working on my platform to save America. The next part of the platform is...... the elimination of the Death Tax. I know this mainly effects the rich but right is right. The idea that you can't die without the IRS getting one more shot at you is just horrible.
     This effects the average person more than you think. Lets say you have a farm or some form of family business, now most of you know that if you have one of these it doesn't make you rich. According to the IRS though these are valuable assets and you could pay 35% of their value in taxes. This doesn't even include a state inheritance tax. This a lot of times forces people to sell the family farm or business.
     I know nowadays we in America hate the 1%, unless its Oprah, Brad Pitt, or Jay Z. However, I believe if you want to leave something to your kids or whoever, that's your prerogative. We need to realize that person's wealth is theirs and not the government's to share.

Platt Robertson
Write-In Candidate for President

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kicking the bums out.

     I always love to here how people say, "we need to vote those bums out of office." The funny part is that the average voter is so eager to get the career politician out of office that "only" 85-90% of congress is retained over the last few elections. Most of those aren't even voted out but leave because of scandal or old age. The reality is that you the voter just aren't going to do the job. That is why one of first things that my administration would do is to put in term limits.
     Do you remember Chuck Woolery? You remember his saying "See you in 2 and 2." That is the next law we would pass if elected. We would place term limits at 2 terms for Senators and 2 terms for the House of Representatives. Do you realize how long some of these guys have been around?

Daniel Inouye 48 years
Orin Hatch 35 years
Nancy Pelosi 25 years...

Harry Reid 25 years
Richard Lugar
The issue is that everybody feels that their guy is the good guy and its the congressman in Texas or New York thats screwing everything up. I hate to tell you this but you Rep. is a bum too. Here is a little more on term limits.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dear World

      There are so many people this is directed at and in such a broad context. That I just made this an open letter to the world.
      There are a lot of reason why wars are started but it usually come down to a battle for resources. I think we all know that we are in Iraq because of oil. Don't fool yourself, there are still Americans over there. 3000 advisers are going to be left by the end of 2012 plus a big State Department presence. This is also why the Iran thing is coming to a head. This is why we didn't go into Darfer. There is no oil there.
     So World let me tell you something, you can keep your oil. I don't need cheap gas that bad. Just let our troops come home in one piece and you can keep it. We've grinded these poor guys into the ground the last decade and its not right. I'll pay $8 a gallon if I have to but for the love of God just gives us our guys back. This shit is making my head implode. While we are at it, I don't need a 14 year old Bangledesh girl to make my clothes for .25$ an hour so I can save $1.50 at Walmart. I also don't need Mexican drug cartels to kill local police so my buddies can get high while playing Xbox. We have plenty of oil of our own. We have enough cotton and people needing jobs to make all the NASCAR T-shirts we need. I also bet you we can grow and sell our own weed to.World, you can keep it all and as a Presidential candidate I'll make you a promise. If you don't come in my yard, I won't go in yours.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Bring back Glass-Steagall

I feel one of the first things we can do to fix the economic mess we got into is to bring back the Glass-Stegall Act. You maybe wondering "what in the hell is the Glass-Steagall Act?" The Glass-Steagall Act was enacted in 1933 during the bank crash of the Great Depression. Sound Familiar? In this act the FDIC (Federal Insurance Deposit Corporation) was set up along with other banking regulations. One of the major pieces of regulation was to separate commercial bank functions from securities firms. This basically pushed the dominoes far enough apart where if one fell it didn't knock the others over.
     If you are my age or older you remember when you parents used a home-town bank for their checking and saving accounts. If they wanted to invest in the market, they went to a local broker. When they wanted life insurance, you obviously went to your neighborhood insurance agent. Remember when Visa and Mastercard weren't Bank of America Visa cards or Wells Fargo Mastercards.
     This all changed in 1999 when the Graham-Leech-Bliley Act was passed and signed by Bill Clinton. The final version of this bill passed the senate 90-8, so it was not a Democrat or Republican thing. This was a Wall St. thing. This act basically overturned Glass-Steagall and unregulated the banks. This led to mergers of the big financial institutions like Travelers Insurance with Citigroup and Bank of America with Meryll Lynch. Now you can deposit a check, get a home loan, buy stock, all while shopping at a chain grocery store. This is real convenient but it also pushed those dominoes real close and we saw how that worked out in 2008.
      I feel its time to go back to Glass-Steagall. There should be no reason why my money should get intangled with some traders credit default swap. If you don't believe its happening then ask the former clients of MF Global. Down below are some helpful links if you want to learn more about Glass-Steagall.




Platt Robertson
Write-in Presidential Candidate    

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Flat Tax

 I will start to tell you my vision for America. The first of the 10 laws I would pass a your president is: The Flat Tax. I would scrap the whole tax code and install a 15% flat tax on income. This way Warren Buffet doesn't have to worry about his secretary. All joking aside, our tax code now is over 70,000 pages which is a burden to business and us the average citizen. I know everyone loves their deductions but this would bring your overall rate down and just make life easier for everyone. Over the next few week their will be more of our platform to come. Here are a few facts about our tax code:

1) In 1913, the federal tax code was 400 pages long. Today, it's grown to about 70,000 pages. That's 50 times longer than Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.
2) Since the beginning of 2001, there have been over 3,250 changes to the tax code -- an average of more than one a day. More than 500 changes were made in 2008 alone.

3) In order for the IRS to print all the paper they need, over 300,000 trees are cut down every year. (Just one more reason to consider filing online.)

4) Every year, U.S. taxpayers and businesses spend roughly 7.6 billion hours preparing their taxes.

5) According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are roughly 311 million people in the United States. That's 24.4 hours of tax-prep work for every man, woman, and child in the country.

6) The U.S. tax code is so confusing, that 82% of taxpayers pay for help.

7) Taxpayers spend $27.7 billion a year preparing their taxes.

The Flat Tax is starting to look good isn't it. I promise I will start updating the blog more and hope you start sharing comments. Maybe we can get a nice conversation going about the issues of the day.

Platt Robertson
Write-in candidate for President