Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Your not wasting your vote.


    The biggest thing I face in this election is the idea that if you vote for me your wasting your vote.
Most people say, "your not going to win so why waste my vote on you." I here others say, " this election is going to be close, my vote might make the difference. However, I feel those folks are looking at this the wrong way.
     Reality is that in most of the states, Obama or Romney have solid leads. If you vote for Romney in a liberal state like California, your actually wasting a vote because he isn't going to win that state. The opposite is also true. In states like this, a vote for a 3rd party or Write-in candidate will stick out more than one for the Big 2 candidates.  In the swing states, the non-Big 2 votes stand out even more. Remember the 2000 election? Remember that Ralph Nader received votes larger than the difference between Gore and Bush. Those votes ended up exposing the Nader agenda and more importantly got people talking about why someone wouldn't vote for the Big 2. Another point I would like to make is, if you vote for Obama or Romney, how would you know your vote got counted? If you voted for a Write-in like me, it would be easy to see that vote in action. You would also be flipping the bird to all the pollsters, pundits, and politicians by writing me in. I haven't taken lobbyist money, PAC contributions, or aired any attack adds. I would like to think that after reading some of my ideas you might actually agree with my platform. And last but not least, Its your vote and you can do with it whatever you like. Its only wasted if you don't use it.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

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