Sunday, October 28, 2012

Abortion and the Middle east

     I would like to thank AmieTank for this blog. She put a comment up the other day on the blog and reminded me that I had not put my views on abortion and the Middle East. I know these are hot button issues and I apologize for not getting to them earlier.
     First, lets start with the ultimate political hot potato: Abortion. If you want to get people fired up in America, just start talking about abortion. Typically, we look at this from only two points of view. Either your Pro-choice, which mean your for a woman's right to choice what happens to her body. You mostly likely feel that a man in no way should have a say on the decision and to disagree in any way means you hate women. The other side is of course Pro-life. This side claims that life is sacred and some on this side of the issue believe that under no circumstances shall a child ever need to be aborted. They feel that if you disagree with them that your a murderer. There is usually no grey area on this topic and a lot of anger is directed at people on the other side of the abortion issue. However, just like so many things that face us today, we are looking at this all wrong. The reality is we don't have an abortion problem, we have an unwanted pregnancy issue. Think about it, if we had no unwanted pregnancies then we wouldn't even care about abortions. If we take our stereotypical example, a teenage girl is knocked up by her teenage boyfriend, we can see the real problem. The Pro-choice person will say that the young lady has the right to do with her body as she likes because she is a strong, in dependant woman. The Pro-life proponent will say that its not the baby's fault and that its life deserves as much respect as the mother's right to choose. Sadly, we lost as a society when that young lady became pregnant. First off, we probably failed those kids as parents and role models. Second, if these two weren't ready for sex, do you think they're ready for a kid? Even is she has the abortion, you can't say either party came out better for it. If you care about kids, you'll probably want to help our youth avoid a situation like this. Of course, the Pro-choice group likes to throw out rape and incest as reasons we have to keep abortion around. Call me crazy, but I am for stopping rape and incest. Again, the idea that we will worry about this only after an unwanted pregnancy has occurred is nuts. There is no government program that is going to fix this. Its us a citizens that have to get involved. Fathers, spend times with your sons and talk to them about sex. This isn't just about women. Finally the issue of government money for abortions, which I am against. If this is about a woman's right to choose, then its her right not someone elses tax bill. For those of you that worry about that young girl that can't afford to get an abortion, there are many organization that you can donate to that help these young ladies out.
     The other topic of this blog entry is the Middle East. This is a much simpler topic. The only reason we care about the Middle East is because they have oil. If there was no oil there it would be like Bolivia and when is the last time we sent troops to Bolivia? There is also the Petro-dollar but that is more of a Federal Reserve issue. If we were more like Brazil, we wouldn't have kids dying overseas all the time. Brazil has developed their own oil resources, build a relationship with their oil rich neighbor Venezuela, and created a vibrant ethanol industry. We need to build the pipeline to Canada, utilize oil fields offshore and in Alaska, and use other agricultural products besides corn to produce ethanol. One more thing, the electric car. I don't want to here from GM that the technology is 10 years away. They said that 20 years ago. Maybe if we would have let them go broke, we could have had someone come up with a viable electric car. As far as I'm concerned, as President I would bring the boys home and prepare to compete in an open and free oil market. The other half of this issue is Israel. Some of you might not like to hear this but the US signed up for this along with the rest of the UN. We plus most of the western world, felt bad for the Jews after WWII and wanted to give them their own homeland. Everybody living there today are living under the idea that we are going to stick to our word. I am however, not for sending troops over there or starting a war with Iran. Israel is a big boy and can take care of its own self. We'll stand up for them at the UN and sell them some arms but won't send our troops. These folks have been fighting for years and I think we're kind of naive to think we can send Hillary over there for a weekend and hammer this all out.

Platt Robertson
Write-in candidate for President

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