Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Audit the Fed


     So Madonna is giving our "black Muslim" president an endorsement?? Seems like politics as usual. I will keep it unusual and actually keep talking policy. My next agenda point is to Audit the Fed.
     I have a feeling that most of you might have heard about this but still don't know much about the Federal Reserve. The Fed only creates and controls you money, so you might want to spend sometime looking into to it. Here are a few quick facts about the Federal Reserve.

$ Its a private entity - its about as Federal as Federal Express

$ Its was created in 1913 - the same time as the Income Tax

$ The dollar has lost 96% of its value since it was created

$ The stockholders of the Federal Reserve are kept private

$ The Fed has a monopoly on the issuance of money in the US

I think its funny that we need to see 47 years of Romney's taxes but couldn't care less to audit the "national" bank of the United States. The Robertson/Falls 2012 campaign feels its time to bring to light the workings of The Fed. For more info check out the links below.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President





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