Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why do you still believe?

     As adults, we often laugh at children that believe in the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and the Boogeyman. We think it is so cute that they would fall for such myths. But looking around today, I think its us adults that are the naive ones. Most people actually think there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats.
    I feel that deep down inside you know the left vs right thing is silly. However, to admit that you have been fooled by the political machine is more than most can bare. Do you really think that Obama and Romney are all that different? Do you really thing President Obama is going to get the evil bankers that are some of his largest donors? Is Romney really going to get tough with China? Did you believe Richard Nixon when he said he wasn't a crook? When Clinton said he didn't have sexual relations with that women? So why are you going to go to the polls feeling like one of these guys is better than the other? Its been nearly 50 years since Johnson declared "War on Poverty" but you still hold to the dream that we can legislate away the problem. The congressional approval ratings are at a all time low but you still will vote for the same two parties you always have. I am begging you to get out of the rut and change your paradigm. Tell the two parties you are done with them and their games. You can't change things with the same mentality that got you there in the first place. If you want to stick to "the man" then I ask for you to write me in on Nov. 6th.

Platt Robertson
Write-in candidate for President

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