Saturday, September 29, 2012
The Other Half of the Solution
Every four years we have politicians tell us that if we just vote for them that they will take care of the rest. All we have to do is show up to the polls and vote for their side and our troubles will be gone. Its seems silly when you say it like that but somehow we turn to the government whenever there is a problem. Did we really believe that Obama was going to "change" America? Did you expect there to be no more wars, no unemployment, and your kids would eat their vegetables? The scary part about this mentality is that your basically saying you have no control of the major issues effecting your life.
In all reality, the politicians want you to keep thinking this way. They love the idea that you would, "hand over the keys" to you live over to them. The scariest thing for politicians is the idea that America will wake up one day and realize we don't need them. If you stood up and said I am in charge of my destiny, their power would dwindle to nothing. That is the dirty little secret that no one is talking about.
Obama can give you all the health care you want but if you eat donuts and don't exercise you'll still be sick. Ben Bernanke can execute perfect Fed policy but if you run up credit bills, your still broke. Government/Politicians are only the part of the solution. I encourage you to take control of your lives and ween yourself off the idea that Washington DC is going to solve your problems.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Platform Summary
The Robertson/Falls 2012 Platform comes in two parts. The first is what government should do to make America a better country. What society itself needs to do is the other half of the platform. Below is the list of 10 laws I would pass under my administration.
1. Flat Tax - Simple and effective, will free people from the weight of the IRS
2. Glass-Steagall Act - Bring back the Glass-Steagall Act and shutdown the Wall St Casino.
3. Term Limits - 2 terms in the House and 2 terms in the Senate
4. Death Tax - Eliminate the Death Tax, the IRS shouldn't get you one last time.
5. NDAA - overturn provisions that destroy our rights
6. Net Neutrality - will keep the Internet free and equal for everyone.
7. Derivatives Act - Corralling these weapons of economic mass destruction.
8. Federal Student Loan Act - We have to quit crushing these kids with debt.
9. Audit the Fed - We have to pull the curtain back on our "national" bank.
10. Repeal Obamacare - We can do better than this piece of crap.
In future posts, I will go into what we need to do along with our neighbors to make things better for us.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
1. Flat Tax - Simple and effective, will free people from the weight of the IRS
2. Glass-Steagall Act - Bring back the Glass-Steagall Act and shutdown the Wall St Casino.
3. Term Limits - 2 terms in the House and 2 terms in the Senate
4. Death Tax - Eliminate the Death Tax, the IRS shouldn't get you one last time.
5. NDAA - overturn provisions that destroy our rights
6. Net Neutrality - will keep the Internet free and equal for everyone.
7. Derivatives Act - Corralling these weapons of economic mass destruction.
8. Federal Student Loan Act - We have to quit crushing these kids with debt.
9. Audit the Fed - We have to pull the curtain back on our "national" bank.
10. Repeal Obamacare - We can do better than this piece of crap.
In future posts, I will go into what we need to do along with our neighbors to make things better for us.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Repealing Obamacare
I see Obama is commenting on the NFL referee strike. Since the economy is doing so well, I guess he has time for other things to worry about. The Robertson/Falls 2012 Campaign however is still focused on the real issues. The final law of the first ten I would pass under my administration is.... Repealing Obamacare.
I know this has stirred up a lot of people but lets take a step back and think this thing out. The bill is well over 1000 pages. Most in congress didn't read the bill before they voted on it. Do you remember Nancy Pelosi telling us they needed to pass the bill so they could see what was in it? Is this really a way to solve a problem? And doesn't it prove that we don't need this kind of mentality running our health care? Also, what was the issue in the first place? Roughly 15% of the population didn't have health insurance. So to help them, we have now changed everybody's health insurance. Obama sold this thing as health care for everybody but what it really does is makes everyone have insurance whether they want it or not. Think about it, guaranteed customers for the health insurance industry. A lot of people said this was needed to help the poor but if you're poor you already had Medicaid. Another issue with Obamacare is its filled with crap people just don't know about. There is a 10% tax on indoor tanning facilities. Tanning facilities??? The best one is that a bill that is suppose to cut health cost has a tax on medical instrument makers. Does that make sense.
Just like in the student loan example, you have to get government money out of the system to cut cost. Think about Boob Jobs, 20 years ago they were expensive and still somewhat dangerous. They have become cheaper and safer while not having federal money fund the procedures. They are an example of market forces creating a cheaper and better product for the consumer. We should also allow market forces in the health insurance industry. Eliminate state monopolies and allow for interstate competition. I also feel we need to eliminate the need for referrals. You don't have to go back to the car dealer to get a referral to go get your oil changed do you? Why do you need a general practitioner to tell you your back hurts and you should go to a chiropractor? I feel we should repeal Obamacare and actually write a real health care bill and talk about it ahead of time. Check out the links below.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Audit the Fed
So Madonna is giving our "black Muslim" president an endorsement?? Seems like politics as usual. I will keep it unusual and actually keep talking policy. My next agenda point is to Audit the Fed.
I have a feeling that most of you might have heard about this but still don't know much about the Federal Reserve. The Fed only creates and controls you money, so you might want to spend sometime looking into to it. Here are a few quick facts about the Federal Reserve.
$ Its a private entity - its about as Federal as Federal Express
$ Its was created in 1913 - the same time as the Income Tax
$ The dollar has lost 96% of its value since it was created
$ The stockholders of the Federal Reserve are kept private
$ The Fed has a monopoly on the issuance of money in the US
I think its funny that we need to see 47 years of Romney's taxes but couldn't care less to audit the "national" bank of the United States. The Robertson/Falls 2012 campaign feels its time to bring to light the workings of The Fed. For more info check out the links below.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
Student Loan Crisis
The silly season has begun. With Obama going on The View and Romney back peddling from his statements about the 47% of Americans, you know not much real debate will go on about whats happening to our country. We here at the Robertson/Falls 2012 campaign will continue to talk about the real issues.
The next part of our platform covers the next great bubble: The Student Loan debt bubble. Do you know Americans now owe more in student loan debt than credit card debt. As a country we have 37% more student loan debt than car debt. The sad part of this is all of this is sanctioned by the federal government and cannot be wiped away by bankruptcy. They can tap into tax refunds and social security payments to get their money. We as tax payers are basically guaranteeing profits for the banks that make these loans. The feds back more than 85% of the student loans. Tragically, 56% of graduates with loan debt can't find a job a year after college. I am sure the banksters on Wall St. like though.
Under my administration we would no longer federally guarantee student loans and the loans taken out now will be classified the same as credit cards or other debt. I know your probably saying, "whoa!! don't you want kids to get a college education?" What the system is giving us now is more like certification and not education. And if its certification we're getting, then we can do it a lot better than this. If the massive amount of government backed money is drained out of the system, I bet you'll find cost will go down quite a bit. The development of more vocational schools would be nice. This idea that every kid should go to college is a little far fetched. There are thousands of student that go to college for a couple of years and rack up lots of debt with nothing to show for it is crazy. That student could go to a Vo-Tech for a year or so and pick up a usable skill and at a cost that wouldn't cause them to go into debt. At the end of the day, self education is better than formal education. Check out the videos
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
The next part of our platform covers the next great bubble: The Student Loan debt bubble. Do you know Americans now owe more in student loan debt than credit card debt. As a country we have 37% more student loan debt than car debt. The sad part of this is all of this is sanctioned by the federal government and cannot be wiped away by bankruptcy. They can tap into tax refunds and social security payments to get their money. We as tax payers are basically guaranteeing profits for the banks that make these loans. The feds back more than 85% of the student loans. Tragically, 56% of graduates with loan debt can't find a job a year after college. I am sure the banksters on Wall St. like though.
Under my administration we would no longer federally guarantee student loans and the loans taken out now will be classified the same as credit cards or other debt. I know your probably saying, "whoa!! don't you want kids to get a college education?" What the system is giving us now is more like certification and not education. And if its certification we're getting, then we can do it a lot better than this. If the massive amount of government backed money is drained out of the system, I bet you'll find cost will go down quite a bit. The development of more vocational schools would be nice. This idea that every kid should go to college is a little far fetched. There are thousands of student that go to college for a couple of years and rack up lots of debt with nothing to show for it is crazy. That student could go to a Vo-Tech for a year or so and pick up a usable skill and at a cost that wouldn't cause them to go into debt. At the end of the day, self education is better than formal education. Check out the videos
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
Monday, September 24, 2012
Financial Derivatives
While Obama and Romney are both on 60 Minutes reminding us why most people hate elections, I'll be talking about how to actually fix things in this country. My next platform point is about regulating financial derivatives, something that has yet to happen.
You might remember the crisis of 2008 was in part caused by the mortgage industry. This was made worse by derivative instruments like CDO's and MBS' that magnified the defaulted loans. The worst part is that derivatives are not regulated and usually are even hidden from the stock holders of the banks that issue them. Most Americans probably don't realize just how large the financial derivative market is. Its estimated to be well over $1 Quadrillion. The amount of derivatives held by US banks is estimated to be over 15 times the GDP of the United States.
I would force the bank to list on each of their quarterly 10Q reports their derivatives exposure and to whom they are exposed to. Credit default swaps would be limited to prevent multiple winners in a loan default situation. We would also have the banks put in a "force majeure" clause in the contracts. That way if all hell breaks loose, we can stop all the dominoes from falling. Below are some videos that go into the subject more and I would also advise you to do your own research on this complicated topic.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Presidential candidate
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Net Neutrality
Unlike my competition, who are worried about seeing the others tax returns. I will stick to the topics that are important to America. The next point on my agenda is Net Neutrality. The Internet has been one of the greatest breakthroughs in our lifetime. The flow of information has brought new ideas and interactivity like we have never seen. That is why it is important not to let the big communication companies tweak the system in anyway.
So what is Net Neutrality? Think of a major highway in your town. The speed limit on that highway is the same if your driving a BMW or a 1973 Pinto. That highway is for everyone to share equally. Some major corporations are wanting to create basically a "high rollers" lane of traffic. This is not someone paying for higher speed Internet at their house. That is you making a personal decision. What big communication companies are wanting to do is tell small web sites that they can't have the same access as the "high rollers" do.
Why is this important? With all major TV, radio, and newspapers outlets bought up by major media companies, the Internet is the only way to allow independent voices to be heard. Think of all of the blogs and alternative news sites out there giving us great content. Our Founding Fathers didn't give us free speech so we can watch The View or Dr. OZ. It was to express our views freely and interact with others on a higher plain of thought.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
So what is Net Neutrality? Think of a major highway in your town. The speed limit on that highway is the same if your driving a BMW or a 1973 Pinto. That highway is for everyone to share equally. Some major corporations are wanting to create basically a "high rollers" lane of traffic. This is not someone paying for higher speed Internet at their house. That is you making a personal decision. What big communication companies are wanting to do is tell small web sites that they can't have the same access as the "high rollers" do.
Why is this important? With all major TV, radio, and newspapers outlets bought up by major media companies, the Internet is the only way to allow independent voices to be heard. Think of all of the blogs and alternative news sites out there giving us great content. Our Founding Fathers didn't give us free speech so we can watch The View or Dr. OZ. It was to express our views freely and interact with others on a higher plain of thought.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
The National Defense Authorization Act
The next of the laws we would pass under my administration would be to repeal previsions of the NDAA 2012. Basically, it allows the indefinite detention of US citizens by military police. Between this and the Patriot Act the government has gone too far in its efforts to "protect" us. Since 9/11 we have been sold that the boogie man will get us unless we allow the Federal Government more access into our lives. Besides the NDAA and Patriot Act, there have been numerous presidential directives and federal agencies formed that very few of us know about. NSA, FBI, and CIA have been given access to all kinds of information from the likes of AT&T, Verizon, and Google.
I know most of you think that this will only be directed at the terrorist but what happens when they change the definition of a terrorist? Recently, the Missouri FBI office was told that Tea Party members and Ron Paul supporters should be watched. Ron Paul supporters??? Really?? Remember the old Hall and Oates song, "Private Eyes" well they are watching you. Check out the links below for more info on the NDAA.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
I know most of you think that this will only be directed at the terrorist but what happens when they change the definition of a terrorist? Recently, the Missouri FBI office was told that Tea Party members and Ron Paul supporters should be watched. Ron Paul supporters??? Really?? Remember the old Hall and Oates song, "Private Eyes" well they are watching you. Check out the links below for more info on the NDAA.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
Saturday, September 15, 2012
So Government is the answer????
I recently had to go renew my health card for work. You have to have all kinds of cards to work in the casinos here in Vegas, health cards, liquor cards, sheriff's cards, etc. That is for a different rant. What got me was when I went to the health department location. Besides health cards, they perform other services like flu shots for the kids. It was a sea of humanity in there. First, I had to do something online then print out a form to take to the health office. Once I was there I had to wait an hour to go thru a series of three different lines that would eventually give me my health card so I can work to pay taxes to keep the whole process working.
The employees were rude and not motivated at all. You can tell there was very little organization of the process and less motivation to make it more streamline. The reality was I had no other choose but to set there and take it. They have a monopoly on health cards.
So why is it that the folks that bring us the health department, the IRS, and the DMV are the ones we turn to when we want our problems fixed. I mean do we really think the process that gave us that grumpy lady at the DMV counter is going to properly educate our kids? Polls tell us that most Americans don't like the IRS and don't trust our politicians. So why is it we keep waiting on them to save us from our own problems. I hate to say it but they aren't going to stop the wars, fix the economy, or clean up your cities. If you don't believe just head down to the health department and see.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President.
The employees were rude and not motivated at all. You can tell there was very little organization of the process and less motivation to make it more streamline. The reality was I had no other choose but to set there and take it. They have a monopoly on health cards.
So why is it that the folks that bring us the health department, the IRS, and the DMV are the ones we turn to when we want our problems fixed. I mean do we really think the process that gave us that grumpy lady at the DMV counter is going to properly educate our kids? Polls tell us that most Americans don't like the IRS and don't trust our politicians. So why is it we keep waiting on them to save us from our own problems. I hate to say it but they aren't going to stop the wars, fix the economy, or clean up your cities. If you don't believe just head down to the health department and see.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Reflection of a post 9/11 world
Wow, has it been 11 years already? I can still remember that day. I was glued to my TV, trying to figure out what was happening to the world around me. The moment filled me with fear and anger then finally a deep sadness. I knew the world had changed but looking back now, I didn't know that it would change the way it did.
My grandparents generation had a similar day to deal with, Pearl Harbor Day. That generation faced their nightmare with great sacrifice and determination. They had already gone through the Great Depression but were ready for the challenge that laid ahead. Within four years, America had not only defeated Japan but had also saved Europe from Hitler. By 1952, 11 years after Pearl Harbor, the United States might have been in another war but was also living in the Golden Years of the 50's. We were the great economic super power in the world and things were only getting better.
So what happened to us?? After 9/11, I do remember people coming together. You remember congress sing "God Bless America"? I still get chills thinking about it. The local grocery stores where I lived sent supplies to the rescue workers in New York. We were actually united as a nation. My roommate at the time did ask, "how long is this going to last?" The answer was not long enough. The neo-cons that were running the White House at the time decided to take the ball and run with it. With the country supporting the president, the republicans starting pushing their agenda down our necks. The money junkies on Wall St thought this would be a good reason to start a real estate bubble since we needed to save the economy after this tragedy. Liberals could only hold the tongues so long but in the end had to maintain their war with conservatives. Both parties had no problem creating more government bureaucracy to invade our lives while keeping us "safe." They both voted for the Patriot Act and gave more power to agencies like the NSA and CIA.
Here we are today in worse shape than ever. We are still in the Middle East with troops dying nearly everyday. We have lost more Americans avenging 9/11 than those who died that day.The politics of America is more bitter than ever and we can't even be polite to each other. The TSA gropes young kids and tells us its for our safety. Our economy has been shipped to China and we are 16 trillion in debt. What maybe the tragedy of 9/11 is not that day but how we have lived our lives since that day. God Bless America...... because we need it.
Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The Death Tax
While the other presidential candidates are at the Conventions or Hollywood fundraisers, I am working on my platform to save America. The next part of the platform is...... the elimination of the Death Tax. I know this mainly effects the rich but right is right. The idea that you can't die without the IRS getting one more shot at you is just horrible.
This effects the average person more than you think. Lets say you have a farm or some form of family business, now most of you know that if you have one of these it doesn't make you rich. According to the IRS though these are valuable assets and you could pay 35% of their value in taxes. This doesn't even include a state inheritance tax. This a lot of times forces people to sell the family farm or business.
I know nowadays we in America hate the 1%, unless its Oprah, Brad Pitt, or Jay Z. However, I believe if you want to leave something to your kids or whoever, that's your prerogative. We need to realize that person's wealth is theirs and not the government's to share.
Platt Robertson
Write-In Candidate for President
This effects the average person more than you think. Lets say you have a farm or some form of family business, now most of you know that if you have one of these it doesn't make you rich. According to the IRS though these are valuable assets and you could pay 35% of their value in taxes. This doesn't even include a state inheritance tax. This a lot of times forces people to sell the family farm or business.
I know nowadays we in America hate the 1%, unless its Oprah, Brad Pitt, or Jay Z. However, I believe if you want to leave something to your kids or whoever, that's your prerogative. We need to realize that person's wealth is theirs and not the government's to share.
Platt Robertson
Write-In Candidate for President
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