I always love to here how people say, "we need to vote those bums out of office." The funny part is that the average voter is so eager to get the career politician out of office that "only" 85-90% of congress is retained over the last few elections. Most of those aren't even voted out but leave because of scandal or old age. The reality is that you the voter just aren't going to do the job. That is why one of first things that my administration would do is to put in term limits.
Do you remember Chuck Woolery? You remember his saying "See you in 2 and 2." That is the next law we would pass if elected. We would place term limits at 2 terms for Senators and 2 terms for the House of Representatives. Do you realize how long some of these guys have been around?
Daniel Inouye 48 years
Orin Hatch 35 years
Nancy Pelosi 25 years...
Harry Reid 25 years
Richard Lugar
Richard Lugar
The issue is that everybody feels that their guy is the good guy and its the congressman in Texas or New York thats screwing everything up. I hate to tell you this but you Rep. is a bum too. Here is a little more on term limits.