Sunday, March 6, 2016

What happen to "Civil" discourse?

I hear all the time from pundits and voters alike that we need to have serious discussions about the issues of the day. I challenge you to find someone that claims they wouldn't take such a conversation serious. However, the reality is that we no longer as a society appear able to have such a gathering of minds were people can have a point/counterpoint debate. Speaking of debates, they have more of a tone of Wrestlemania than true intellectual sparing. Between the use of one-liners by candidates and the desire of networks to create spectacle, it is impossible to thoroughly discuss highly complicated topics.

The sad part about this state of affairs is that has bad as the candidates are these days with the mud slinging, you the voter are even worse. I find it funny that the people most effected by the laws the politicians create not only don't detest this ugly practice but themselves freely engage in it. The old days of water-cooler talks have now moved to the age of the internet and more importantly social media. The same social media that is home to teenage chit-chat and selfies has also become a forum for political discourse. This has drug the level of the conversation to that of the unsophisticated teenager.  Gone are the days when someone would clip out a newspaper article or bring a magazine to fortify their argument when having a friendly back and forth with a co-worker. Today it is the unverified internet meme that is the weapon of choice. 

While most of the internet meme are silly and childish, the frightening thought is that some people are taking these seriously. I am also scared that people are posting some of this stuff without even checking the facts. If it falls into their line of thinking, then it must be right. It is this lack of effort in searching for the truth that the politicians and their pundits take advantage of. These issues are too large for you the average voter to get lazy and not do your homework. Another thing about these memes that scares me is comparing the candidate you dislike to Hitler. Really??? Because they don't agree with your views of taxes or immigration then they are the same as some that had millions killed. Stop it! Those statement say more about you than the opposing candidate. 

I challenge you my fellow citizens the engage each other and the politicians in debate over the issues. However, I expect that you will do your research and be civil with one another. Acting as mature adults, I feel we can come to some productive conclusions. Below is a video that I think demonstrates how a genuine civil discussion of an issue should work. Look at the style and listen to the proper grammar and language used.

Platt Robertson
Write-In Candidate for President

Sunday, February 14, 2016

So you think voting for another Bush or Clinton will fix things????

Bush, Clinton Still Wall Street Favorites, Donations Show; Clinton ...

I am always shocked how people keep falling for the idea that a professional democrat or republican is going to solve the problems of the day. Especially since they are almost incentivized not to and have the voter dependent on them. But whatever, if you still want to believe in Santa Claus and politicians, its a free country... well it was at one time. What really gets me is the people that after more than a generation of the Clinton/Bush dynasty, think we need to vote for another Clinton or Bush. What??? Part of the reason we left British rule was to get away from a Monarchy and you guys want to establish a modern day royalty. I know some of you may think that well Hillary is a woman and can't be a bad as Bill and that Jeb is different from George and a good ole' boy. Do you really think Jeb doesn't run in the same political circles as W did? And Hillary is just a simple Grandma that didn't know anything about Bill's sins?? 

Unlike other politicians, I'm not going to ask to just to trust me. I am going to challenge you to do some homework and find out about these folks. Down below are some Youtube documentaries on these two families. Please watch them and even if you don't agree with them, then follow up with more research. You go find the truth. Just don't assume that since Oprah or Jay Leno likes them, they must be nice.

Platt Robertson Write-In candidate for President

The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA drug running

Bill and Hillary Clinton: Merchants of Power

Bush Family Fortune

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Which way to go?

The campaign is up and rolling. We are official candidates in New Hampshire and Vermont with more states to come. I've started to post articles and tweet my views. Its now time to decide the direction of this campaign. The first time I ran in 2008, I really had no central theme except I couldn't do any worse than the professional politicians. By 2012, I started to focus on flat taxes and limited government. This time, the RobertsonFalls Campaign would like some feedback from you. Let us know where we should take this and what issues we should cover. Should we face the dark problems facing this country or focus on the unlimited opportunities and talent that still exist?

Part of me wants to warn my fellow citizens that we are facing grave danger for the future of America. The reality is the average person has no clue how screwed up this thing is. They know about the Kardashians but have no clue about the Federal Reserve or how lobbyist work. Most of you have watched all the Lord of the Ring movies but never seen one documentary about our national debt.  Sadly, the average person is just dumb to the potential doom headed our way. This is why I kinda feel like I need to point out the problems we face and to maybe wake some people up.

However, the best way to make it through the darkness, it to find the light. The reality is that we live in an age of great potential. The rapid increases in technology allow to easily handle problems we used to struggle with in the past. You might not believe this but violence world wide is actually down. For a majority of mankind's history, we have had major conflicts between nation states. During this century, we have had no large World Wars or even the massive genocides that we saw in the 20th century. People are able to travel all over the world and co-mingle like never before. Women today have more opportunities than ever and gays are being accepted more than ever.

So where do we go? Should we face the great darkness that looms over our society or should we shine the light of great potential? Let us know, give us some feedback.

Platt Robertson - Presidential Candidate
Scott Falls - VP Candidate