Sunday, March 6, 2016

What happen to "Civil" discourse?

I hear all the time from pundits and voters alike that we need to have serious discussions about the issues of the day. I challenge you to find someone that claims they wouldn't take such a conversation serious. However, the reality is that we no longer as a society appear able to have such a gathering of minds were people can have a point/counterpoint debate. Speaking of debates, they have more of a tone of Wrestlemania than true intellectual sparing. Between the use of one-liners by candidates and the desire of networks to create spectacle, it is impossible to thoroughly discuss highly complicated topics.

The sad part about this state of affairs is that has bad as the candidates are these days with the mud slinging, you the voter are even worse. I find it funny that the people most effected by the laws the politicians create not only don't detest this ugly practice but themselves freely engage in it. The old days of water-cooler talks have now moved to the age of the internet and more importantly social media. The same social media that is home to teenage chit-chat and selfies has also become a forum for political discourse. This has drug the level of the conversation to that of the unsophisticated teenager.  Gone are the days when someone would clip out a newspaper article or bring a magazine to fortify their argument when having a friendly back and forth with a co-worker. Today it is the unverified internet meme that is the weapon of choice. 

While most of the internet meme are silly and childish, the frightening thought is that some people are taking these seriously. I am also scared that people are posting some of this stuff without even checking the facts. If it falls into their line of thinking, then it must be right. It is this lack of effort in searching for the truth that the politicians and their pundits take advantage of. These issues are too large for you the average voter to get lazy and not do your homework. Another thing about these memes that scares me is comparing the candidate you dislike to Hitler. Really??? Because they don't agree with your views of taxes or immigration then they are the same as some that had millions killed. Stop it! Those statement say more about you than the opposing candidate. 

I challenge you my fellow citizens the engage each other and the politicians in debate over the issues. However, I expect that you will do your research and be civil with one another. Acting as mature adults, I feel we can come to some productive conclusions. Below is a video that I think demonstrates how a genuine civil discussion of an issue should work. Look at the style and listen to the proper grammar and language used.

Platt Robertson
Write-In Candidate for President

Sunday, February 14, 2016

So you think voting for another Bush or Clinton will fix things????

Bush, Clinton Still Wall Street Favorites, Donations Show; Clinton ...

I am always shocked how people keep falling for the idea that a professional democrat or republican is going to solve the problems of the day. Especially since they are almost incentivized not to and have the voter dependent on them. But whatever, if you still want to believe in Santa Claus and politicians, its a free country... well it was at one time. What really gets me is the people that after more than a generation of the Clinton/Bush dynasty, think we need to vote for another Clinton or Bush. What??? Part of the reason we left British rule was to get away from a Monarchy and you guys want to establish a modern day royalty. I know some of you may think that well Hillary is a woman and can't be a bad as Bill and that Jeb is different from George and a good ole' boy. Do you really think Jeb doesn't run in the same political circles as W did? And Hillary is just a simple Grandma that didn't know anything about Bill's sins?? 

Unlike other politicians, I'm not going to ask to just to trust me. I am going to challenge you to do some homework and find out about these folks. Down below are some Youtube documentaries on these two families. Please watch them and even if you don't agree with them, then follow up with more research. You go find the truth. Just don't assume that since Oprah or Jay Leno likes them, they must be nice.

Platt Robertson Write-In candidate for President

The Mena Connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA drug running

Bill and Hillary Clinton: Merchants of Power

Bush Family Fortune

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Which way to go?

The campaign is up and rolling. We are official candidates in New Hampshire and Vermont with more states to come. I've started to post articles and tweet my views. Its now time to decide the direction of this campaign. The first time I ran in 2008, I really had no central theme except I couldn't do any worse than the professional politicians. By 2012, I started to focus on flat taxes and limited government. This time, the RobertsonFalls Campaign would like some feedback from you. Let us know where we should take this and what issues we should cover. Should we face the dark problems facing this country or focus on the unlimited opportunities and talent that still exist?

Part of me wants to warn my fellow citizens that we are facing grave danger for the future of America. The reality is the average person has no clue how screwed up this thing is. They know about the Kardashians but have no clue about the Federal Reserve or how lobbyist work. Most of you have watched all the Lord of the Ring movies but never seen one documentary about our national debt.  Sadly, the average person is just dumb to the potential doom headed our way. This is why I kinda feel like I need to point out the problems we face and to maybe wake some people up.

However, the best way to make it through the darkness, it to find the light. The reality is that we live in an age of great potential. The rapid increases in technology allow to easily handle problems we used to struggle with in the past. You might not believe this but violence world wide is actually down. For a majority of mankind's history, we have had major conflicts between nation states. During this century, we have had no large World Wars or even the massive genocides that we saw in the 20th century. People are able to travel all over the world and co-mingle like never before. Women today have more opportunities than ever and gays are being accepted more than ever.

So where do we go? Should we face the great darkness that looms over our society or should we shine the light of great potential? Let us know, give us some feedback.

Platt Robertson - Presidential Candidate
Scott Falls - VP Candidate   


Sunday, December 6, 2015

San Bernardino: A reflection of our country but not in the way you think.

This week we had another mass shooting occur in San Bernardino. Once again the nation was shocked as it watch the drama play out on our TV's. As in so many other major news events, social media blew up and pushed politics to the fore front. It is this angle that I think we need to look at this particular event. I feel the shootings in San Bernardino gave us a window into our nation. Not the event itself but how we as a nation reacted.

When I saw the first news flash, I decided I was just going to step back and see the reaction and how the media reported this. While at lunch I followed the events on Twitter, which I suggest you try at least once just to view the world a little differently. Before the authorities could even give us any details on injuries, number of shooters, location of the shooters, etc, people were already pushing their political agendas as it concerned gun control. Even with little information being released, the media ran wild with speculation. The professional pundits almost salivating at their chance to get in front of the media and deliver the spin. This attitude however was not limited to the pros in the media. Thousands swarmed to social media to show just how outraged and morally superior they are. The bodies weren't even cold yet and the chat room battles were already in full bloom.

In all honesty, if you commented on the San Bernardino shooting within the first 24-30 hours after the event, you were just basically spewing your own political views. If you remember the first reports weren't sure of the number of shooters. Then they reported the shooters were white which meant it had to be some NRA loving gun nuts that did it. When is our dear leader Obama going to do something about these constitution loving freaks????? Oh wait what? They weren't white.... well these damn men and their guns. You know women would never do this. Uh.. what? One of the shooters was a woman. well.. uh.. Trump sucks!!!!! The stuff that was on social media was insane.
It was contagious too, The New York Daily News produced a shocking cover just hours after the shootings. This of course before the fully story had come to light but its doesn't matter because the Daily News got the reaction and coverage it wanted.

The dead in the shooting were almost an after thought. It appears that everyone has a political agenda and if a tragedy helps them push it then they are just fine with that. The amount of irrational venom spewing the last few days has been insane. The sad part is that very few people were able to actually cite actual facts for their argument.  We as a nation will never be able to work through our issues until we start acting like rational adults and using logic and reason to develop a proper hypothesis for solving our problem. Quit worrying about your "enemy" in the chat rooms and start focusing on being knowledgeable and correct on the topics.

Platt Robertson
Write-In Candidate for President

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Why I'm running?? Hillary, Trump, and Bernie

I have been asked plenty of times why I have run for President in the past. In 2008 it was kind of a lark. I had a coworker back then that said he would vote for me if I ran. Having work elections before, I decide to do some research. With a little work, I became a official candidate in a couple of states. I did a radio interview and got some pub and that was fun. By the time 2012 came around, I had educated myself more on the issues facing us. People starting asking serious question when they found out I had ran for President and I wanted to give them the right answers. In 2012 I had formed some opinions and want to express those so I ran again. The reason I'm running this is simple. You people are actually think about electing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders for President of the United States.

Lets start with Hillary Clinton. I hear people all the time say they don't like professional politicians. So your telling me that the answer to career politicians is voting for Hillary??? The same Hillary that makes millions giving speeches about her 40 years in the political arena. She actually took money from Donald Trump when she was in the Senate. Talk about someone with skeletons in their closest, literally and figuratively. Finally, do we really want Bill around any more White House interns??

Some say we need an outsider like Donald Trump to fix things around here. So a man that grew up rich and became richer partially due to his ability to get politicians to do him favors is an "outsider."
This guy brags about the empire he build but fails to mention the $1 million loan his father gave him to get started. Lets be honest, this guy has a reality TV show and was once in a WrestleMania. Is that what you want from a President. Also, can you elect someone with that kind of hair??

Lastly, the bell of the ball, Bernie Sanders. This guy thinks Socialism and more spending will fix everything. If only a country that is over $18 trillion in debt would just spend more things will be just fine. This coming from a guy that has only worked jobs in which he sucks off the taxpayers tit. I wish Bernie would tell us where this great Socialist utopia is that can be an example for us. I bet if you asked folks in Cuba and Venezuela about it they would give you a different opinion. With the success of the American experiment and abject failure of Marxism, how are we still having this discussion???? 

Hopefully over the next year I will present a strong enough argument to persuade you not to vote for these guys and give someone else , maybe me, a chance.

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate  

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Amnesty - Its not what you think it is.

It appears that President Obama is about to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Depending on what side of the fence you set, this might be a good thing. Of course, allowing immigrants to cross the borders unchecked hasn't really worked anywhere before. Immigration is just like a lot of issues facing our country, we look at them only two ways which is for it or against it. I want to take a look at this from a different angle. This isn't about whether more amnesty needs to be granted or not but why we got here in the first place.

I wanted to start this by telling the story of a couple of friends of mine. The first is a former co-worker that came to America from Romania. He came here with stars in his eyes and a desire to live the American dream. By the time I worked with him, he had been in the country for about six years. The whole time he had working on becoming a citizen. After he got his citizenship, he married a natural born American. This should have ended any discussion about his citizenship but instead he had to keep proving his marriage to INS. My next example has to do with a friend of mine that married a woman from Canada. She had come down here on a work visa and had a full-time job here in the states. She was college educated and a upstanding member of the community. When she married my friend, a natural born citizen, it didn't end her immigration problems but just ramped them up. The odd part is that in both of these examples the immigrant is white. We are told all the time what a racist country America is. but answer this.  Why is it that millions of Latinos have crossed the borders unchecked and immigrants from other countries have to go through a whole process? I think I have an answer but it has nothing to do with the kindness of Harry Reid or George Bush.

This amnesty issue is nothing new. Amnesty for Mexican immigrants was actually taken up by Ronald Reagan. Reagan legalized millions of immigrants in 1986. The fact that Reagan was an icon of Republicans again puts an arrow through the concept that this about racist not letting in "brown" people. The question you have to ask is why would a Republican president do this? Especially since it is well known that most Latinos vote Democrat. We need to look at the early 70's for part of the answer. Two events occurred that would bring about a need for "new" Americans. By the early 70's the birth control pill had become in wide spread use. This lead to declining birth rates especially among whites. The twenty years after WWII gave us the "Baby Boomer" generation with a large increase in population and for business, a large increase in future consumers. The pill slowed down the influx of future customers for American corporations. The next shoe dropped in 1973 when Roe V. Wade legalized abortions in the United States. No matter how your feel about abortion, it effected the birth rate in America. Its been estimated that there has been over 56 million abortions since 1973.
I hate to put it like this but think about how many more McDonalds, Applebee's and 7-11's would be open today if those abortions never happened. Its not only business that needed "new" Americans but the government needs them too.

The Pew Research Center estimated that there was over 11 million illegal immigrants in the US in 2012. Most of those 11 million people buy goods and services which are taxed by federal, state, and local governments. A lot of federal grants are based on population of a certain jurisdiction. This means that bodies = bucks. I feel that the real elephant in the room is Social Security. There were about 17 workers per Social Security recipient in 1950. That number today is just a little over two workers per recipient. I believe if you research Social Security enough you'll realize its a Ponzi scheme. As in all Ponzi schemes, it is necessary to get more people to pay into the system than are taking out of the system. In 2012, the Census Bureau claimed that white deaths outnumbered white births for the first time in history. Take into account that roughly everyday 10,000 people retire in the US and you can see why Social Security is in trouble. If there was just someway to add a few million people to the books, then the scam can keep going. There is another group that benefits from a large influx of "new" Americans, the bankers.

Besides buying trinkets from corporations that are taxed by governments, immigrants also buy big ticket items that require loans. This is where the banks come in. As we learned in the Crash of 2008, not only to banks create mortgages, but they also create CDO's, MBS's and credit default swaps from those mortgages. Mortgages = Money. A large chunk of the new immigrants are also on our welfare rolls. In 2010 the JP Morgan segment that ran the food stamp debit card processing for the company had over $5 billion in revenue. Nearly every EBT, unemployment, etc. card there is has a bank that processes it and make a profit from it. Lets just say if the government expanded the number of people to those programs it wouldn't bother the banks.

There is one more issue to add to this topic - wages. Pew Research estimates that undocumented workers make up 5.1% of the workforce. With our unemployment rate standing at around 6%, we can see how illegal aliens plays a big role in wage movement in America. Lets go to "make-believe land" and say that there were no undocumented workers in America. We would have almost no unemployment. This would mean a tighter labor market which would force companies into paying higher wages just to get qualified employees. With all these extra "citizens" here, we now have slack in the system and there is no need to pay higher wages. One of the items in the amnesty plan that a lot of people aren't talking about the the expansion of work visas for the high tech industry. I guess Bill Gates and the Silicon Valley Boys can't find enough home grown talent and need to go over seas to find cheaper.... I mean qualified people.

The sad reality is that the main reason why Latino immigrants are allowed to come over with no hassle has nothing to do with America's desire to be a "melting pot" or that liberals really do care about the plight of the Central American. The truth is the powers that be want more people to buy cheap products, pay taxes, and become debt slaves to big banks. 

Platt Robertson
Write-in Candidate for President

Friday, September 26, 2014

How did he make it this long????

So Eric Holder is stepping down, amazing!!! This guy makes your local corrupt politician look like a petty thief. This guy has given us Fast and Furious, race baiting, IRS scandal, and so much more. With all these issues you would think someone would have stood up to this guy but no. The lame stream media just defended him like it was their job, which it seems it has become. You might have heard a random Republican congressman or two grumble about Holder but has anybody held him in contempt?? The crazy part about this whole things is he is about to get paid big time by the powers that be. Whats really sad is probably Obama will bring in someone worse and nobody will try to stop him. We have let the patients start running the asylum and its going to bite us in the ass. Before any of you Republican start to feel all good about yourselves, just remember you guys have done nothing to slow down Holder or his best friend Obama. Your just as bad as they are. Finally, I have to say that you the average voter are to blame. Did you ever hold anyone's feet to the fire over this guy. Did you write your congressman? Did you send an email to FOX, CNN, MSNBC, asking them why they don't report on this guy? Quit believing someone else is going to take care of this because they ain't.

Platt Robertson